1.Get the Input from the User(Name) and that Name should be (words) maximum to 10 words and minimum to 5 words name=”webgapp” length=(len(a)) if(length>=10): print(“Your Name is too Long”) elif(length<=4): print(“Your Name is too Short”) else: print(“The Given Length of the Name”,length) 2.Write a program the user likes different colour.Here the user name should be constant and colur should be dynamically colour=input(“enter favorite colour:”) print(“webgapp”,”likes”,colour,”colour”) 3.Check whether the number is positive number or negative number number=int(input(“enter a number:”)) if(number>0): print(“it is positive”) elif(number<0): print(“it is negative”) 4.Check Whether the People is eligible to vote age=int(input(“enter your age:”)) if(age>=18): print(“you are eligible to vote”) else: print(“you are not eligible to vote”) 5.Write a Program for Simple Intrest in Python p=int(input(“enter the principle amount:”)) n=int(input(“enter no.of years:”)) r=int(input(“enter the rate of interest:”)) si=(pnr)/100 print(“simple interest=”,si) 6.Print the Calendar Program Using Python import calendar year = 2017 <!–display the calendar–> print(calendar.calendar(year)) 7.Print the Calendar Program Using Python here specific Month import calendar year = 2023 month = 4 <!— display the calendar–> print(calendar.month(year, month)) 8.Add a Two numbers in a Python Using Function def add(a,b): print(a+b) add(10,20) add(40,50) add(200,1000) 9.Compare two strings whether it is equal or not string1=”allan” string2=”nalla” print(string1==string2) 10.Calculate the Sum of Digits what the user enters sum=0 n=int(input(“no.of digits:”)) while (n>0): sum=sum+n n=n-1 print(sum)

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